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[19a-B3-1]Photochemical Transparency of Amorphous Carbon Thin Films by F2 Laser

〇Masayuki Okoshi1, Satoshi Okuzono1 (1.NDA)
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amorphous carbon,transparency,F2 laser

In this paper, we used an F2 laser with a wavelength of 157 nm to photoexcite the surface of an a-C thin film, and simultaneously photodecompose atmospheric oxygen molecules O2 into excited singlet oxygen atoms O(1D). The results showed that O(1D) atoms can photochemically etch sp2 carbon in thin films significantly better than triplet oxygen atoms O(3P). Thus, we found that the surface layer of the a-C thin film was photochemically modified to be transparent. In X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the intensity of the C 1s peak originated to sp2 carbon decreased. The refractive index was also slightly lowered, probably due to lowering film density. The electrical resistivity slightly decreased upon F2 laser irradiation and remarkably decreased as the substrate was heated, exhibiting low bandgap properties.


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