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[19a-C301-4]Magnetic anisotropy of biaxial crystalline DyBa2Cu4O8 and Dy0.5Y0.5Ba2Cu4O8 under modulated and uniform rotating magnetic fields by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements

〇Fumiko Kimura1, Pamoda Piyumali Kahagalla1, Shintaro Adachi1, Shigeru Horii1 (1.Kyoto Univ. Adv. Sci.)
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Superconducting materials,magnetic anisotropy,X-ray diffraction

REBa2Cu3Oy (RE123, RE: rare earth elements) has a high critical temperature above liquid nitrogen temperature and a high critical current density in magnetic fields. We use the magnetic orientation method based on magnetic anisotropy for orientation. In this study, we used REBa2Cu4O8 (RE124), an analog of RE123, to determine the magnetic anisotropy ratio of Dy124 and Dy0.5Y0.5124, and also observed their behavior under rotating magnetic fields.


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