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[19a-D63-6]Extraction of Charge Relaxation Time Distribution of 1/f Noise Based on Inverse Integral Transformation Method

〇Zenji Yatabe1, Seiya Kasai2 (1.Kumamoto Univ., 2.Hokkaido Univ.)
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S(f) ∼1/fα spectral densities, where f is the frequency and α is the slope of the power spectrum density S(f), are commonly observed in current noise of transistor. The origin of the current noise is attributed to the random charging and discharging of the oxide or surface/interface with electron traps. The experimentally obtained power spectrum density S(f) occasionally shows complicated shapes (bumps and/or shoulders). In this study, a numerical technique is proposed to deduce the relaxation time distribution G(τ) using the current noise of a transistor.


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