Presentation Information

[19a-D63-9]Energy Efficiency Limits of DRAM Cells: High-Precision Measurement Using Single-Electron Counting

〇Takase Shimizu1, Kensaku Chida1, Gento Yamahata1, Katsuhiko Nishiguchi1 (1.NTT BRL)
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DRAM,Electron counting statistics,Landauer principle

Reducing the voltage difference between bits is effective for improving the energy efficiency of DRAM, but it increases errors due to a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio. While technological advancements for noise reduction are progressing, the ultimate limit of energy efficiency that DRAM cells can achieve is still not understood. We conducted high-precision measurements of heat generation and errors using silicon DRAM devices capable of single-electron counting. In the presentation, we will discuss the energy efficiency limits of DRAM cells based on the measurement results.


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