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[19a-P05-13]Research on Birefringence in the Terahertz Region of Liquid Crystal Devices with
Intermediate Alignment Films

〇(M2)Yoshiki Yuhara1, Kohei Noda1,3, Masato Suzuki1,3, Moritsugu Sakamoto1,3, Nobuhiro Kawatsuki2,3, Hiroshi Ono1,3, Tomoyuki Sasaki1,3 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech., 2.Univ. of Hyogo, 3.CREST,JST)
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liquid crystal,terahertz waves,photopolymerizable monomer

In this research, we aimed to use liquid crystals as materials for dynamic terahertz devices, and attempted to improve the alignment uniformity of liquid crystals by introducing an intermediate alignment layer consisting of reactive mesogens and low molecular weight liquid crystals into the device. As a result, we found that the birefringence was significantly increased by inserting the intermediate alignment layer into the liquid crystal device.


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