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[19a-P05-3]Gain-switched laser diode with delayed optical feedback as a light source for THz time-domain spectroscopy

〇(M1)Kaiyu Kusunoki1, Kenji Wada2, Tetsuya Matsuyama1, Koichi Okamoto1, Fumiyoshi Kuwashima3 (1.Osaka Metro Univ., 2.OMU-ESCARI, 3.Fukui Univ. of Techno)
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terahertz wave,THz time-domain spectroscopy,laser diode

Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is an excellent technique that enables spectroscopy in the THz region at room temperature and has been a foundational technology driving advancements in the THz field. We have numerically estimated that high-efficiency THz-TDS output can be obtained when intermittent chaotic oscillations with picosecond pulse oscillations are emitted from a multimode laser diode (MMLD) with feedback light. In this study, we applied gain modulation to use the MMLD as a picosecond light source and numerically investigated the THz-TDS output using rate equations when feedback light was added.


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