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[19a-P06-17]The study on the correlation between cooling rate and fictive temperature of Silica glass using Molecular Dynamics simulation

〇(M1)Shunsuke Hiiro1, Kazuro Kizaki1, Madoka Ono1, Liping Huang2 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Rensselear Polytechnic Inst.)
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optical fiber,Molecular Dynamics simulation,glass

In recent years, silica glass optical fibers have reached a plateau in terms of low loss. Suppression of density fluctuation is important to reduce loss. The density fluctuation depends on the temperature at which the glass is frozen (fictive temperature), but the change in the glass structure and the fictive temperature of optical fiber during extremely rapid cooling from very high temperatures have not been systematically investigated.
In this study, we investigate the relationship between cooling rate and virtual temperature in silica glass using molecular dynamics simulations.


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