Presentation Information

[19p-A31-1][The 56th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Bulk photovoltaic effect device in the artificial hetero-interface using 2D magnetic materials

〇Shuichi Asada1, Keisuke Shinokita1, Kazunari Matsuda1 (1.IAE, Kyoto Univ.)
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shift current,magnetic injection current,bulk photovoltaic effect

Recently, shift current, which is one of the nonlinear spontaneous photovolatic effect originated from the broken spatial reversal symmetry, is attracted for physics and solar-cell device applications. In this research, we fabricated MoS2/CrPS4 artificial hetero-structure device. CrPS4 is well known as an air-stable and anti-ferromagnetic layered material, so we can hope a hetero-interface in which both time and spatial inversion symmetries are broken. We will discuss about nonlinear photovoltaic effect in magnetic system, which is originated from the broken symmetry of band strucure in momentum space.


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