Presentation Information

[19p-A32-16]Generation and Measurement of Cluster State toward High-Speed Optical Quantum Computing

〇(D)Ryuhoh Ide1, Takaya Hoshi1, Takumi Suzuki1, Akito Kawasaki1, Takahiro Kashiwazaki2, Asuka Inoue2, Takeshi Umeki2, Kan Takase1,3, Mamoru Endo1,3, Atsushi Sakaguchi3, Warit Asavanant1,3, Akira Furusawa1,3 (1.Univ. of Tokyo, 2.NTT Device Technology Labs, 3.Riken RQC)
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quantum computing,cluster state,quantum optics

In measurement-based quantum computing (MBQC), a large-scale quantum entanglement known as a cluster state serves as the processor. To achieve fast optical quantum computing, it is essential to encode quantum states in short-duration wave packets and measure them. As a proof-of-concept for ultrafast MBQC, we aim to develop a measurement technology for broadband cluster states. In this presentation, we will explain the theory, plans, and outlook of the experiment.


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