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[19p-A34-12]Distinguishing carious and normal areas of teeth using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

〇Haruto Kobashi1, Wangxuan Zhao1, Verdad Agulto1, Kosaku Kato1, Koki Miura2, Takahiko Shiraogawa2, Yoshihiro Nishitani2, Naoya Kurahashi3, Yoshinori Sakanoue3, Sadami Tsutsumi4, Nobuhiko Sarukura1, Makoto Nakajima1 (1.ILE, Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. of Med. and Dent. Sci., Kagoshima Univ., 3.Kyoto Prefectural Technology Ctr. for Small and Medium Enterprises, 4.Applied Electronics Lab., KIT)
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Terahertz spectroscopy,Tooth,Caries

Toward applying terahertz waves to caries diagnosis, THz-TDS measurements were performed on bovine tooth enamel, dentin, and decalcified dentin. In this study, we performed measurements extending beyond 2 THz. As a result, in the terahertz region, the Absorption coefficient of each component was significantly different on the high-frequency side. This result shows the potential of terahertz waves for application in caries diagnosis.


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