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[19p-C302-12]Higher-Performing Perovskite Solar Cells Treated with Alkali Metal Hydroxide

Yuki Fujita1, Zhanglin Guo1, 〇Toshinori Matsushima1 (1.WPI-I2CNER (CESD), Kyushu Univ.)
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perovskite,solar cell,alkali metal hydroxide

Perovskite solar cell performance has been rapidly developed; thus reserach and development on perovskite solar cells have been proceeded for future practical application of this exciting technology. To improve perovskite solar cell performance, using defct passivation on top of the perovskite absorber layer has been used. Additionally, performing treatment of the bottom transport layer below the perovskite layer is crucial. In this study, we tried to treat the SnO2 electron transport layer surfaces with various alkali metal hydroxide such as LiOH, NaOH, KOH, RbOH, and CsOH. We found that chosing approproate alkali metal hydroxide and optimixing a treatment condition improve perovskite solar cell performance. Specifically, we demonstrated that sequence treatment using first KOH and next CsOH can increase power conversion effcinecy and high temperature durability simultaneously.


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