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[19p-C32-1]Optimization of control beams for super-resolution stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with photoswitchable Raman probes

〇Hikaru Akaboshi1, Takaha Mizuguchi2, Spencer J. Spratt2, Kazuhiro Kuruma2, Hiroyoshi Fujioka3, Minoru Kawatani3, Mako Kamiya3, Yasuyuki Ozeki1,2 (1.EEIS, UTokyo, 2.RCAST, UTokyo, 3.Tokyo Tech)
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To understand the detailed mechanisms of biological phenomena, it is crucial to image multiple targets within cells at high spatial resolution. Previously, we proposed a super-resolution imaging method utilizing a photoswitchable Raman probe and achieved super-resolution imaging with a spatial resolution of approximately 150 nm. In this report, we successfully optimized the irradiation conditions of the control light, reducing the control light power to below 1 µW.


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