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[19p-D63-1][INVITED] Nanoscale Device Fabrication using Electron-beam Lithography (EBL) and Electroless Au Plating (ELGP) and Development of Applications

〇Yutaka Majima1 (1.Tokyo Tech, IIR)
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nanoscale electronic device,electron-beam lithography (EBL),electroless Au plating (ELGP)

I introduce nanoscale device fabrication using electron beam lithography (EBL) and electroless gold plating (ELGP). I also demonstrate the device applications by utilizing internal stresses and strong electric fields at the nanoscale, such as single-molecule transistors using a single π-conjugated molecule as a semiconductor, ELGP nanopore DNA sequencers, nanogap gas sensors, in-plane polarized ferroelectric field effect transistor memory using two-dimensional ferroelectric semiconductors, and nanostructure-induced L10-ordered CoPt ferromagnetic nanowires.


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