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[19p-P09-14]Carrier dynamics in 2D and 3D SML nanostructures by power-dependent PL

〇Ronel Intal Roca1, Itaru Kamiya1 (1.Toyota Tech. Inst.)
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MBE,submonolayer,power-dependent PL

Stacked submonolayer (SML) growth of InAs/GaAs nanostructures by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) has been gaining interest as alternative to the conventional Stranski-Krastanov (SK) growth. SML growth involves the alternate and cyclic depositions of <1ML of InAs and ML-thick GaAs. The high degree of control afforded by SML growth is desirable for optoelectronic applications. Furthermore, the ability to prepare either 2D and 3D SML nanostructures provides another degree of freedom in optimization for a variety of applications. However, the carrier dynamics in 2D and 3D SML nanostructures are not well understood. In this study, we use power-dependent photoluminescence (PL) measurements to investigate the carrier dynamics in 2D and 3D SML nanostructures.


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