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[20a-A25-7]Development of M-sequence-based photoacoustic signal amplification under
low-power light sources

〇(M2)Kazuma Hashimoto1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan1, Jun Yamada1, Takahiro Kono2 (1.Shibaura, 2.Tokyo Metro Univ.)
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"In recent years, photoacoustic imaging (PAI) based on low-power light sources has gained attention. Compared to lasers, low-power light sources have lower pulse energies and smaller acoustic waves, which degrade the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Pseudorandom binary sequences, such as M-sequences (PUM), are applied to improve this. This study verifies the effectiveness of signal amplification using PUM, achieving approximately 50-fold signal amplification compared to averaging."


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