Session Details

[20a-A25-1~10]3.3 Biomedical optics

Fri. Sep 20, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:45 AM JST
Fri. Sep 20, 2024 12:00 AM - 2:45 AM UTC
Yoichiroh Hosokawa(NAIST), Yasushi Inoue(阪大)

[20a-A25-1]A novel proposal to obtain cardiovascular parameters from remote photoplethysmography

〇(DC)Sarai Dominguez Hernandez1, Gonzalo Paez1 (1.Centro de Investigaciones en Optica)

[20a-A25-2]Light scattering spectrum measurement of cytodiagnosis specimen and its principal component analysis for cancer cytological diagnosis

〇(M2)Hayata Tsutsui1, Yuka Tsuri1, Tomoko Wakasa2, Mikiya Fujii1, Akihiko Ito3, Yoichiroh Hosokawa1,4 (1.Div. Mat. Sci., NAIST, 2.Dept. Dx. Pathol., Nara Hosp., Kindai Univ, 3.Dept. Pathol. Fac. Med. Kindai Univ., 4.MLC, NAIST)

[20a-A25-3]Evaluation of water toxicity using a fast and reliable novel biospeckle micro bioassay technique

〇(DC)Devi Arti Devi1, Hirofumi Kadono1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan2 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineeing Saitama University, 255 shimookubo, Sakura ward, Saitama, 338-0825, Japan, 2.Department of mechanical Eng. Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)

[20a-A25-4]Size-dependent impacts of copper oxide nanoparticles on the internal activity of lentil (Lens culinaris) seeds and leaves using biospeckle optical coherence tomography (bOCT).

〇(D)Lavista Tyagi1, Hirofumi Kadono1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan2 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University,Japan, 2.Department of Mechanical Eng. Faculty of Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan)

[20a-A25-5]Mapping optic axis of multi-layered birefringent tissue using Jones-matrix optical coherence tomography

〇Yiheng Lim1, Pradipta Mukherjee1,2, Shuichi Makita1, Yoshiaki Yasuno1 (1.Univ. of Tsukuba, 2.IIT Delhi)

[20a-A25-6]Absorbance measurements in scattering media using ultrasonically induced virtual waveguide

〇Keisuke Kodama1, Takuya Koyama2, Yusuke Oshima2, Takashi Katagiri2 (1.Graduate School of Pharma-Medical Sciences, Univ. of Toyama, 2.Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Toyama)

[20a-A25-7]Development of M-sequence-based photoacoustic signal amplification under
low-power light sources

〇(M2)Kazuma Hashimoto1, Uma Maheswari Rajagopalan1, Jun Yamada1, Takahiro Kono2 (1.Shibaura, 2.Tokyo Metro Univ.)

[20a-A25-8]Development of high-resolution optical coherence microscopy (OCM) at 830 nm wavelength range

〇(M1)Hidekatsu Ohashi1, Shotaro Kitajima1, Norihiko Nishizawa1 (1.Nagoya Univ.)

[20a-A25-9]Investigation of Laser Sensing for Viscoelasticity of Soft-Mechanical Phantoms

〇Katsuhiro Mikami1, Ai Fuchita1, Tetsuya Matsuyama2, Yukihiro Imaoka3 (1.Kindai Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Kindai Univ., 3.NCVC)

[20a-A25-10]Development of fluorescence endomicroscopic probe with Lissajous scanner using polarization-maintaining fiber

〇Naoki Yamato1, Mamoru Hashimoto2 (1.MDSC, Hokkaido Univ., 2.Fac. of Info. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)