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[20a-A32-5]Positional distribution diagnosis of electron temperature, electron density, and EEDF of CF4/O2/Ar plasma based on tomographic optical emission spectroscopic measurement and argon collisional-radiative model

〇(DC)Yuya Yamashita1,2, Kenta Doi3, Tetsuji Kiyota3, Yuchen Ye1, Kazuki Shimatani1, Wentao He1, Hinata Hanyu1, Wataru Kikuchi1, Ayaki Sakurai1, Atsushi Nezu1, Hiroshi Akatsuka1 (1.Tokyo Tech, 2.JSPS DC, 3.ULVAC)
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optical emission spectroscopic measurement,spectral tomography,collisional-radiative model

Diagnosis of molecular mixed plasmas are difficult because of the complexity of atomic-molecular processes. In this study, the diagnosis of the mixed plasma was realized by focusing on the atomic and molecular processes of monatomic molecules in the mixed plasma. Optical emission spectra of CF4/O2/Ar inductively coupled plasma were acquired for tomographic emission spectroscopy measurement. The spectra were analyzed by the Ar collisional-radiative model. The electron temperature, electron density, and generalized electron energy distribution function (EEDF) were diagnosed as positional distributions. The EEDF was non-Maxwell distribution.


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