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[20a-A32-8]Discussion on Dimensional Effects in the Numerical Analysis of Dielectric Barrier Discharges

〇Fumiyoshi Tochikubo1, Yusuke Nakagawa1 (1.Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
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dielectric barrier discharge,plasma simulation

Dielectric barrier discharges involve a large number of filamentary discharges, and their numerical analysis deals with only one filament in axisymmetric two-dimensional coordinate. On the other hand, the 2D analysis of a surface dielectric barrier discharge assumes uniformity in the depth direction, so it is assumed that the electric field distribution in particular is different from the actual discharge. In the present study, a comparison of the results of analyses in two dimensions, cylindrical (r-z) and rectangular (x-y) coordinates, has been carried out to investigate the errors in the two-dimensional analysis.


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