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[20a-A34-11]Frequency Stabilization in Resonant Tunneling Diode Terahertz Oscillators in Multimode Oscillation State

〇(M1C)Keishiro Tabuchi1, Hiroshi Ito2, Safumi Suzuki3, Takashi Arikawa1,4 (1.Univ. of Hyogo, 2.Univ. of Tokyo, 3.Tokyo Tech, 4.JST PRESTO)
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terahertz,Resonant Tunneling Diode,frequency comb

The Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD) oscillator is a compact terahertz light source capable of continuous operation at room temperature, with potential applications across various fields. Previous research has shown that when the output from the RTD oscillator is injected back as a return light, the RTD oscillator can show multimode-locked oscillation under certain conditions,. In this study, we applied a frequency stabilization method using a phase-locked loop circuit to an RTD in a multimode oscillation state, in an attempt to achieve frequency comb generation.


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