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[20a-A37-4]Structural Optimization of Thin-Film LNOI Waveguide Grating Couplers (Ⅱ)

〇Ryosei Kitahara1, Naoki Tahara1, Toshihiko Baba1 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ.)
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Thin-Film LNOI Waveguide,Grating Couplers,Optimization

High-speed optical modulators and high-efficiency nonlinear devices based on TFLN waveguides have been developed, attracting attention to their potential as next-generation optical integration platforms. However, the grating coupler for coupling with single-mode optical fibers has been a challenge to achieve high efficiency due to vertically symmetric radiation and mode mismatch. In this study, we found a structure with an efficiency of 64% (less than 2 dB loss) using CMA-ES, assuming a SiO2 over-cladding.


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