Presentation Information

[20a-B3-5]Preparation of rod g-C3N4 using vapor deposition polymerization under atmosphericconditions and its application to photocatalysts

〇Yuki Hishiki1, Mizuki Aoki1, Naoki Ohtani1 (1.Doshisha Univ.)
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Since photocatalyst works on the surface, a larger surface area is considered to have higher photocatalytic activity. Therefore, we will increase the surface area by fabricating g-C3N4 in rod form to improve photocatalytic activity. In addition, we aim to reduce the fabrication cost and simplify the fabrication procedure by fabricating under atmospheric conditions. In the presentation, we will show the changes in the surface state of the samples depending on the fabrication conditions, the accompanying changes in physical properties, and the effects on photocatalytic activity.


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