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[20a-B6-1]The hydrogel functionalized with host molecules for cations and its applications in thermogalvanic cell

〇(M2)Soshi Iokawa1, Yuki Kabaya1, Masatoshi Kidowaki2, Takeshi Shimomura1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 2.Shibaura Inst. of Tech.)
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thermogalvanic cell,host-guest interaction,Seebeck coefficient

Recently, it was reported that hydrogels with the thermogalvanic effect yielded higher Seebeck coefficient of several mV/K, exceeding the Seebeck effect. In this study, we fabricated the thermogalvanic cell, integrating cucurbituril, which can encapsulate cations, into hydrogels and improving the transport of redox anions. As a result, ionic conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and power generation were improved by integrating the cucurbituril. Futhermore, cucurbituril seems to have effects on the electrical double layer and redox reactions on the electrode interface.


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