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[20a-B6-3]A semiconducting CNT-based infrared sensor showing mV-photo-thermoelectric response

〇(M2)Masayuki Ishihara1, Daichi Suzuki2, Takeshi Yamao1, Yoshiyuki Nonoguchi1 (1.Kyoto Inst. Tech, 2.AIST)
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SWCNT,pthoto-thermoelectric,infrared sensor

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) enable infrared radiation detection through a combination of far-infrared plasmon resonance excitation and thermoelectric response due to subsequent heat generation accompanied by temperature rise. This pseudo-photo-thermoelectric (PTE) effect of SWCNTs realizes uncooled and broadband optical detection. In this study, we demonstrate a pseudo-PTE response exceeding mV by far-infrared and terahertz light irradiation with an infrared thermoelectric sensor based on high-purity semiconducting SWCNTs.


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