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[20a-P02-18]Factors of Scattering Intensity Enhancement by Annealing of Nano Disc on Mirror Structure

〇Ryohei Hatsuoka1, Kota Yamasaki1, Tetsuya Matsuyama1, Kenji Wada2, Koichi Okamoto1 (1.Osaka Metro. Univ., 2.OMU-ESCARI)
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Localized surface plasmon polariton,plasmonics,Metamaterial

We have confirmed that anneal treatment of silver nanodisc (NDoM) structures formed on a silver mirror substrate through a dielectric layer significantly enhances the scattering intensity and blue-shifts the resonance spectrum. By reproducing these experimental results using the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method, the cause of the enhanced scattering intensity due to the heat treatment was investigated. In this talk, the effects of shape and size changes on the extinction coefficient and scattering intensity will be discussed in detail.


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