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[20a-P02-3]Photoluminescence Properties of Plasmon/Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures

〇Kota Yamazaki1, Yusuke Takahashi1, Keisuke Imaeda2, Sou Ryuzaki2, Kosei Ueno2 (1.Grad. Sch. Chem. Sci. and Eng., Hokkaido Univ., 2.Dept. Chem., Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.)
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Transition metal dichalcogenide,Charge recombination rate,Surface plasmon resonance

Van der Waals heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) hold promise for applications in electroluminescent devices. However, the quantum yield of photoluminescence is low due to the prolonged carrier lifetime caused by charge separation. In this study, to elucidate the details of charge separation induced in TMD heterostructures, we used time-resolved measurements to clarify the carrier dynamics and investigated the impact of plasmon resonance on charge recombination rates and photoluminescence intensity.


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