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[20a-P02-5]Vertical Incidence Optical Modulator and Photodetector with Graphene/Si Metasurface in Near Infrared Wavelengths

〇Hiroki Maeda1, Rongyang Xu2, Takuya Iwasaki3, Yodai Sato4, Kenji Watanabe3, Takashi Taniguchi3, Satoshi Moriyama4, Junichi Fujikata1, Junichi Takahara2 (1.Tokushima Univ., 2.Osaka Univ., 3.NIMS, 4.Toden Univ.)
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metasurface,graphene,Optical control devices

In recent years, data communication traffic has been markedly increasing with the spread of IoT, and high-capacity optical communication technology based on spatial optical multiplexing has been attracting attention. In this study, we focus on degenerate critical coupling in hollow Si metasurfaces, which achieves perfect absorption by matching material loss and radiation loss, and investigate a vertical-incidence optical modulator and receiver in the near-infrared wavelength band using graphene field effect transistors (FET) and hollow Si metasurface structures. The results of this study are as follows.


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