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[20a-P03-19]Study on the Interaction between Cell-penetrating Proteins and Phospholipid Monolayers Using Quasi Elastic Laser Scattering Method

〇Mizuki Makino1, Yuji Fujita1, Ken-Ichi Sano1, Yasuhiro Ikezoe1 (1.NIT)
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Queasi Elastic Laser Scattering (QELS),Cell-penetrating protein,phospholipid

The cell membrane is an important site in biochemical processes such as signal transduction and mass transfer, and in drug delivery systems (DDS), During the uptake of substances into the cell, changes in the surface tension of the cell membrane are expected to occur.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the interaction between phospholipid monolayers and protein molecules, which are the main components of biological membranes, by measuring surface tension. The Wilhelmy method, in which a solid probe is brought into contact with a surface and the interaction (force) is measured, is the main method used to measure surface tension. However, protein molecules are easily denatured by contact with solid surfaces. Therefore, the surface tension measurement method using a solid probe is not appropriate for experimental systems containing protein molecules. In this study, the surface tension of a phospholipid monolayer on the surface of a protein solution was measured as a function of time using a self-constructed device based on the Quasi-Elastic Laser Scattering (QELS) method, which can measure the surface tension of a liquid without contact.


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