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[20a-P03-27]Validation of predicted protein structure by AlphaFold2 - part 1

〇(B)Seitaro Okutani1, Daiki Arai1, Ryohei Yoshine1, Hideo Doi1, Yuji Mochizuki1,2 (1.Rikkyo Univ., 2.Univ. Tokyo)
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We have evaluated the electronic interaction energy between amino acid residues using fragment molecular orbital (FMO) calculations to verify whether the protein structures predicted by AlphaFold2 can be directly applied to drug discovery and biophysics. In this study, we compared the predicted structures with reference structures already registered in the RCSB PDB for the small peptides Chignolin, Trp-cage, and Crambin. The FMO calculations showed structural similarities between the residues with dominant interactions.


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