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[20a-P03-5]Mechanical Properties of Embryonic Cells in Tailbud Stage Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy

〇Ryo Hesaka1, Takahiro Kotani1, Yuki Miyata1, Yosuke Tsuboyama1, Yuki Fujii1, Takaharu Okajima1 (1.Grad. Sch. Info. Sci. & Tech., Hokkaido Univ.)
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Atomic Force Microscopy,Developing embryos,cell mechanics

In this study, to understand the physical mechanisms in embryogenesis, we used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to perform mechanical measurements of the tailbud ascidian embryos. In stages from the late neurula stage to the early tailbud stage, the elasticity decreased in the direction of tail elongation, and the gradient of elasticity was not observed as myosin activity was inhibited. We will present the spatiotemporal rheological behavior of tailbud embryos.


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