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[20p-A21-5]Synthesis of superconducting alloys using automatic arc furnace system

〇Kensei Terashima1, Wei-Sheng Wang1,2, Yoshihiko Takano1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)
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Aiming to automate the operation of our automated arc furnace system, we have evaluated the variation of synthesized materials produced in the same input conditions. We selected A15-type alloy superconductors, where relationships among composition, lattice constants, and superconducting transition temperatures as well-known. XRD measurements were performed manually to complement the automated synthesis and examine the yield. We evaluated the impact of synthesis condition variables and device design, which act as hyperparameters, on the uncertainty of observed values at measurement points within the Bayesian optimization framework.


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