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[20p-A21-6]Size-controlled robotic powder grinding

〇(M1)Ryusei Takamoto1,3, Yusaku Nakajima1,3, Yasuo Takeichi1,3, Masashi Hamaya2, Yoshitaka Ushiku2, Kanta Ono1,3 (1.Osaka Univ., 2.OSX, 3.SRN-OTRI Osaka Univ.)
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automated experiment,robotics,powder grinding

In the field of materials science, controlling particle size is important due to its impact on reactivity and material properties. In this study, we developed a size-controlled powder grinding method using a robotic arm and a vibration sensor. In this system, the robotic arm estimates the particle size based on the vibration of the mortar during the grinding process and stops the grinding when the targeted particle size is achieved.This research is expected to enhance the reproducibility of powder synthesis, contribute to the understanding of reaction mechanisms, and improve the efficiency of materials exploration.


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