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[20p-A34-12]Fabrication of 10 THz-band Si GRIN lens array with sub-wavelength structure

〇(M1)Soto Wada1, Takuto Matsuki1, Masahiro Ueda1, Yuta Watanabe1, Takumi Oie1, Toshihiro Nakaoka1, Toyoaki Suzuki2, Yoshinori Shohmitsu3, Takehiko Wada4 (1.Sophia Univ., 2.ISAS/JAXA, 3.QUP/KEK, 4.NAOJ)
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terahertz light,Si GRIN lens,subwavelength structure

The mid- to far-infrared range includes radiation from solid particles in interstellar space. To develop sensitive infrared detectors in the 30-60 µm wavelength range, our research group has studied Si GRIN lenses with a refractive index distribution based on a subwavelength structure. This lens is resistant to cooling cycles in this wavelength range and is suitable for integration into detectors because it is a planar lens. We report on the fabrication of Si GRIN lens arrays with a focus on small, arrayed detectors.


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