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[20p-A41-7]Quantitatively charge-state-stability analysis of silicon vacancies in SiC

〇Yuichi Yamazaki1, Ryosuke Akashi1, Masafumi Hanawa2, Koichi Murata2, Shin-ichiro Sato1, Nobumasa Miyawaki1, Shiro Entani1, Yuta Masuyama1, Yusuke Nishiya3,4, Yu-ichiro Matsushita1,3,4, Hidekazu Tsuchida2, Makoto Kohda1,5, Takeshi Ohshima1,5 (1.QST, 2.CRIEPI, 3.Quemix, 4.Univ. of Tokyo, 5.Tohoku Univ.)
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Spin defect,Charge state stability,Quantitative analysis

A systematic investigation of the doping amount/type and Vsi concentration dependence of charge state stability of silicon vacancy (Vsi) in silicon carbide (SiC) has been carried out, and a quantitative analysis based on a theoretical model has been performed. A carrier transfer model was constructed considering both dopant compensation effects and electron transfer through the conduction band from Vc(carbon vacancy)+ to Vsi0 under light illumination, and it was confirmed that the model can approximately reproduce the experimental results.


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