Presentation Information

[22a-11E-6]Sub-1-V 59-fJ/bit Si Photonic Crystal Slow-Light Optical Modulator

〇(D)Keisuke Kawahara1, Tai Tsuchizawa2, Noritsugu Yamamoto2, Yuriko Maegami2, Koji Yamada2, Toshihiko Baba1 (1.Yokohama National Univ., 2.AIST)


optical modulator,photonic crystal,slow light

Highly efficient optical interconnection is required to reduce power consumption in data centers. Si photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) optical modulators can reduce VπL to about 1/10 of ribbed devices due to the slow light effect and achieve compact size and low capacitance. In this study, we propose a distributed electrode that achieves high impedance and strict EO phase matching. We demonstrated high efficiency modulation of 59 fJ/bit with sub-1-V driving voltage.