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[22a-11E-7]Point-Cloud Image Acquisition of Scattering Objects Obtained by Si SLG FMCW LiDAR with Directly-Modulated DFB Laser

〇Yoshiki Komatsu1, Tamanuki Takemasa1, Kamata Mikiya1, Nawa Shota1, Yamamoto Kohei1, Tsuchizawa Tai2, Yamamoto Noritsugu2, Maegami Yuriko2, Yamada Kozi2, Baba Toshihiko1 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ, 2.AIST)



Si photonics non-mechanical FMCW LiDAR has been developed. In our SLG scanner LiDAR, an external frequency modulator has been used to generate the FMCW optical signal, but it is found to be a large facility and noisy. We report a simpler configuration that directly modulates the DFB laser by pre-distorting the current waveform to cancel out nonlinearities. The noise was suppressed by combining this method with a new LiDAR chip, and a point cloud image of a plaster cast was obtained.