Presentation Information

[22a-12H-7]Evaluation of autophagy inducers in PAL in cancer cells

〇Taishi Yamakawa1, Kae Nakamura2, Hiroaki Kajiyama2, Shinya Toyokuni2, Masaaki Mizuno2, Kenji Ishikawa2, Masaru Hori2, Hiromasa Tanaka2 (1.Nagoya Univ. Eng., 2.Nagoya Univ.)


autophagy,Atmospheric plasma,Plasma cancer therapy

This study was motivated by the possibility of creating a plasma-activated Ringer's lactate solution (PAL) that can inhibit autophagy which acts as a protective agent against cancer therapy, thereby enhancing the therapeutic effect of PAL in cancer treatment. Before creating the autophagy-suppressing PAL, it is necessary to identify the components in the PAL that are responsible for inducing autophagy. In this presentation, we report the results of our study on the induction of autophagy after treatment of cancer cells with PAL.