Presentation Information

[22a-12K-2]Systematic investigation of anomalous Hall effect in Fe-Pt composition-spread epitaxial films for magnetic sensor application

〇(P)Akhilesh Kumar Patel1, Ryo Toyama1, Kodchakorn Simalaotao1, Tomoya Nakatani1, Keisuke Masuda1, Yoshio Miura1, Yuya Sakuraba1 (1.NIMS)


Anomalous Hall effect,Magnetic Sensor

The materials showing large anomalous Hall effect (AHE) have attracted great attention from a fundamental point of view and applications such as magnetic sensors compared to the ordinary Hall effect (OHE)-based sensors. The advantages of the AHE-based magnetic sensors over OHE-based ones are that they can operate in large-frequency ranges, are relatively easy to fabricate, and have lower intrinsic noise. It is theoretically predicted that Fe3Pt (L12) shows large AHE and FePt (L10) shows large magnetocrystalline anisotropy (Ku). Thus, by tuning the composition of Fe-Pt, large AHE and corresponding magnetic anisotropy can be achieved for a suitable AHE sensor. In this study, we find the composition Fe0.70Pt0.30 that shows large anomalous Hall resistivity and high sensitivity with a lower saturation magnetization which would be suitable for magnetic sensors.