Presentation Information

[22a-12K-7]Enhancement of transverse thermoelectric conversion by interface-induced thermal spin current in Ni/Bi2WO6 hybrid structure

〇Takuma Itoh1, Yusuke Kozuka1, Takamasa Hirai1, Ken-ichi Uchida1 (1.NIMS)


transverse thermoelectric conversion,anomalous Ettingshausen effect,spin caloritronics

The transverse thermoelectric conversion phenomena including the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE) and anomalous Ettingshausen effect (AEE) have been actively investigated in spin caloritronics in terms of both fundamental physics and thermoelectric applications. Such phenomena enable simple and versatile thermopower generation and electronic cooling owing to the orthogonal relation between charge and heat currents. Toward further improvement of the transverse thermoelectric conversion performance, ANE and AEE have been investigated in various magnetic materials. In this study, we demonstrate a new approach to improve the transverse thermoelectric conversion through interface engineering.