Presentation Information

[22a-12P-1]Control of Polarization Switching Properties of Acceptor-doped Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Utilizing Defect Dipoles

〇Hiroki Matsuo1, Yasuaki Honda1, Kenta Kuwata1, Yuji Noguchi1, Masashi Utsunomiya2, Takao Sada2, Yoshihiro Fujioka2, Takumi Oda3, Koji Kimura3, Koichi Hayashi3, Naohisa Happo4 (1.Kumamoto Univ., 2.Kyocera Corp., 3.Nagoya Inst. Tech., 4.Hiroshima City Univ.)


ferroelectrics,defect complex,energy storage

We report a method to control the polarization properties of acceptor-doped ferroelectric BaTiO3 by utilizing the interaction between spontaneous polarization and defect dipoles. We obtain pinched polarization hysteresis loops with high energy storage density and effective relative permittivity. In the presentation, we will discuss the formation mechanism of defect dipoles and their influence on domain-switching behavior.