Presentation Information

[22a-13M-5]Spatial distribution of Web-like nanoparticle aggregates formed by pulsed laser ablation process.

〇Hikaru Taniguchi1, Tamao Aoki2, Takehito Yoshida3, Ikurou Umezu2 (1.Grad. Sch. of Nat, 2.Konan Univ., 3.NIT. Anan college)


Laser abration,Spherical nanoparticles,shock wave

When pulsed laser ablation is performed using a pipe and gas flow in an ambient gas, spherical nanoparticles with diameters ranging from tens to hundreds of nm are deposited on the substrate. When the position of the pipe was moved away from the irradiation point, aggregates of nanoparticles, "Web-like nanoparticle aggregates," were also deposited. This result suggests that the flow induced by the shock wave causes the nanoparticles to move outward and form an aggregate structure.