Presentation Information

[22a-13P-9]Efficiency of Li as a p-type Dopant in Epitaxial Mg2Sn Thermoelectric Thin Films

〇(D)Kenneth Magallon Senados1,2, Takashi Aizawa2, Isao Ohkubo2, Takeaki Sakurai1, Takao Mori1,2 (1.Tsukuba Univ., 2.NIMS)


thermoelectrics,epitaxial thin film,molecular beam epitaxy

Among the TE materials, Mg2Sn and its derivatives Mg2(Si, Sn, Ge) have emerged as promising low-cost options for IoT applications. This study examines the efficiency of Li as a p-type dopant to the TE properties of our epitaxial Mg2Sn thin films, wherein Li was chosen due to its low formation energy in the Mg-site.