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[22a-1BJ-2]Chiral Tensor of Objects and its Eigenvalue Problem

〇ryouma kimura1, Tsunehisa Kimura1 (1.Fukui Univ. Tech.)


chirality,rotating magnetic field,separation

The right and left hands are chiral to each other, and so are the right and left feet. Then, which is more chiral, the right hand or the right foot? In our previous paper, we defined the chiral tensor, which represents the chirality of an object, and the chiral strength based on it, in analogy with the hydrodynamics of a propeller or a screw. In this study, we calculated the chiral tensor of chiral octahedra and glutamate crystal and solved their eigenvalue problems. As a result, it was found that the chiral tensor and its inverse tensor have the same eigenvectors, and that in the glutamate crystal, the chiral tensor is a symmetric tensor and its eigenvectors are parallel to the crystallographic a, b, and c axes. Furthermore, the behavior of chiral objects under a rotating magnetic field is discussed.