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[22a-21C-3]Highly collimated light emission of deep-ultraviolet micro-LED array using Fresnel zone plates

〇LINGJIE WEI1, Shin-ichiro Inoue1 (1.NICT)


Far-field pattern control,DUV micro-LED array

Deep-ultraviolet (DUV) micro-LEDs are LED devices with mesa sizes ranging from a few to hundred micrometers. By fabricating the array structure, micro-LEDs can greatly increase the light output power while maintaining their advantages of highly uniform current distribution and rapid heat dissipation. Fresnel zone plates (FZPs) are diffractive structures composed of many concentric rings which are widely used in nano-focusing and beam collimation of electromagnetic waves. In this paper, a light emission angle of 18° with light extraction efficiency enhancement of over 1.4 times were realized by using FZPs for the DUV micro-LED arrays on the AlN substrate. Due to these results, we successfully realized the optics-free highly collimated light emission of DUV micro-LED array by the fabrication of FZPs.