Presentation Information

[22a-P01-13]Enhancing Critical Field, Critical Current, and Diode Effect of a superconducting thin film via Inhomogeneous impurity distribution

〇Takayuki Kubo1,2 (1.KEK, 2.Sokendai)


superconducting thin film,critical field,diode effect

We formulated calculations for free energy, lower critical field, and critical current within superconducting strips with non-uniform impurity distributions. Findings: (1) Distributing more impurities at both ends and fewer at the center of the strip notably enhances the lower critical field, enabling complete flux expulsion without narrowing the width. (2) Similar impurity distributions amplify critical current through uneven current distribution. (3) An asymmetrical impurity distribution enables control over the superconducting diode effect. Published in Physical Review Applied 20, 034033 (2023).