Presentation Information

[22a-P02-16]Separation of paramagnetic particles of different diameters in a rotational magnetic field

〇Shintaro Ikeda1, Shunji Kurosu2, Kenji Motohashi1,3, Toru Maekawa2 (1.Toyo Univ. Grad., 2.Toyo Univ. BNC Centre., 3.Toyo Univ.)


paramagnetic particles,rotational magnetic field,pattern formation

Patterns formed by nano/micro particles in colloidal systems are of great interest and importance from both scientific and technological points of view. Understanding the formation of complex structures may lead to the creation of novel devices in various areas. In this study, we investigated the patterns formed by paramagnetic particles of different diameters in a rotational magnetic field. The particles were successfully separated due to the difference in the magnetic dipole moments, noting that the magnetic dipole moment of the particles of 2.8 µm is greater than that of the particles of 1.0 µm.