Presentation Information

[22a-P02-21]Control of Chiral Structure and Optical Properties of One-dimensional Helical Perovskite Crystalline Films

〇(B)Hikari Suzuki1, Yusuke Kinoshita1, Ayumi Ishii1 (1.Waseda Univ.)


One-dimensional helical structure,Lead halide perovskite,Circularly polarized light

In this study, we aim to control the structure and chiroptical properties of perovskite crystal thin films with one-dimensional (1D) helical structure. Here, the 1D helical properties are controlled especially by organic chiral molecules and heavy elements (Yb(III) and Bi(III)), and their effects will be clarified and discussed from the viewpoints of the structure and optical properties. For example, we succeeded in doping Bi(III) to a part of the one-dimensional helical structure composed of lead iodide to enhance circularly polarized light absorption in the visible wavelength region.