Presentation Information

[22a-P02-28]Evaluation of liquid crystalline molecular orientation between silicone elastomer films for application of constant pressure sensing devices

〇(M1)Haruto Nakai1, Yosei Shibata1, Munehiro Kimura1 (1.Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.)


nematic liquid crystal,polymer dispersed liquid crystal,pressure sensor

We propose a pressure-sensitive layer for a high-sensitivity capacitive pressure sensor capable of detecting constant pressure, incorporating a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) layer with dispersed liquid crystal domains. In this presentation, we evaluated the orientation behavior of liquid crystals in a simulated device representing the mono-domain regions within the proposed structure. Additionally, we discuss the control of liquid crystal orientation conducive to detecting constant pressure. As variations in molecular orientation on PDMS were found to be achievable depending on the liquid crystal type, our future investigations will focus on the dynamic behavior of liquid crystal molecules when applied to the pressure-sensitive layer.