Presentation Information

[22a-P02-4]Crystal Polymorphism of tert-Butyl-appended βDCS and Their Lasing Properties

〇Soichiro Azuma1, Takumi Matsuo1, Shotaro Hayashi1 (1.Kochi Univ. of Tech.)


Polymorphism,Laser Oscillation,Aggregation-Induced Emission

βDCSs are interested in aggregation-induced luminescence (AIE) and crystal polymorphism, but there is no report on laser oscillation. Here, we synthesized tBuβDCS, assuming improved solubility and supramolecular synthon with π-conjugated system. The crystallization of tBuβDCS gave two fluorescent crystal polymorphs with high emission quantum yields (72.1 % and 90.6 %, respectively). In a crystal with a larger quantum yield (90.6 %), we have successfully observed the lasing spectrum in a Fabry-Perot mode.