Presentation Information

[22p-12E-5]Development of SiPM high-frequency readout with dynamic time-over-threshold method for ultrafast applications

〇(D)Siyao Chang1, Hiroyuki Takahashi1, Kenji Shimazoe1 (1.Tokyo Univ.)


Analogue electronic circuit,Data acquisition,Gamma detector

High-precision imaging systems such as PET and SPECT require multi-channel signal processing technology. The dynamic time over threshold (dTOT) method is a powerful tool for data acquisition (DAQ) and a cost-effective solution for a multichannel energy-resolving system. It is based on a changing threshold trigger scheme, wherein the time interval between the two cross-threshold points contains signal amplitude information. In this research, WLP chips were used to minimize the scale of the multi-channel readout circuit, while extra 47GHz fast channels were added to each SiPM output to generate ultrafast time signals for better time resolution. Measurement showed a time resolution of around 200ps.