Presentation Information

[22p-12N-5]Magnetic domain observation of Fe-Ga prismatic single crystals grown by vertical Bridgman method

〇Gen Fujii1, Kiyoshi Izumi1, Kazuhiko Okubo1, Masaaki Sato1, Tomohiro Inoue1, Kento Kitabayashi1, Kazushi Ishiyama2 (1.Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd., 2.Tohoku Univ.)


magnetostriction,vertical Bridgman,Fe-Ga

We have grown Fe-Ga magnetostrictive alloy single crystals using the vertical Bridgman(VB) method. We have developed the processing method for Fe-Ga plates that can be used in magnetostrictive vibrating power generation of IoT(Internet of Things). In the study, we investigated the relationship between magnetostriction in parallel magnetic field and the magnetic domain structure in no magnetic field. We explain the results of estimating the direction of magnetization in no-field state from the relationship between magnetostriction and the magnetic domain structure obtained by Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect Microscope.